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Fun Run


Ed White Families-


Welcome Back! We are so thankful that this new year is upon us and we are hopeful for the year ahead!

In the spirit of moving forward, we are bringing our largest fundraiser back in the Fall, as we have done in previous years.


We have always enjoyed running in the fall to support our school, raise funds for our PTO sponsored events, let the students and staff enjoy the track on a fall day and to kick off our year in a fun and positive way!


-Please continue to look to our Facebook page (Ed White PTO), weekly newsletters from our principal, info from your teachers and feel free to message us at as many details emerge leading up to the race.


-BOOKMARK: Our website is and houses all of the information you need for tshirt sales, class colors, run times, donations, FAQs, etc


Important Info:

-Who: All Ed White students and staff (Kindergarten-6th grade)


-What: Students and staff walk, run, jump, skip and dance around the high school track to DJ played tunes for an hour as they see how many laps they can complete.

*Spectators can take to the track to celebrate with their student(s)! We encourage all of you to hit the track and dance along! 

*Lap Cards are back! Home Room Parents and Volunteers will be needed to help keep track of how many laps the kids run around the track. Lap cards will go home with a QR code this year so it makes it easier to turn in donation money. 

*Also returning is AWARDS. Fundraising awards as well as our SPIRIT AWARDS! We encourage each class to prepare a theme and encourage your students to dress up and have fun with it!


-Our Why: Money raised by this fundraiser helps pay for field trips, teacher mini-grants, visiting artists, providing teachers with funds for their classrooms, Breakfast with a Buddy events (one in November and one in May), recess equipment, therapy dog insurance, the end of year Kona Ice celebration, among other experiences. 


-DONATIONS: The PTO's goal is to never have you participate in more than one large fundraiser per year, so I ask each family to donate to their child(ren’s) run and utilize donations from family members, friends, co-workers etc. We also encourage those of you working for companies that will match donated funds, to please inquire. Thank you in advance!


-TSHIRTS: These are always a hit with the students as each classroom has its own color so teachers can easily identify the students in their classrooms.  Students will wear these on the day of the race and also for field trips and class outings. 



Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we look forward to seeing you on the track on SEPTEMBER 27th!!!



  • What is the Fun Run?
    The Fun Run is our annual, one-time FUNdraising event that uses healthy, physical activity, to promote school spirit and secure the yearly budget. Our PTO sponsors many events: field trips, grants for our staff, equipment for classrooms, services and opportunities for all students. This day is successful because of school spirit, good citizenship, and student fundraising.
  • What are the funds raised by the Fun Run used for?
    The funds go to help support numerous educational and family oriented activities through the school year. The PTO sponsors all field trips for students throughout the year, grants for staff, eqiupment for classrooms, services and opportunities for all students.
  • Where do I purchase a Fun Run Shirt?
    You are in the right place! Click Here to purchase your student's Fun Run shirt! They have youth and adult sizes. Yes, you can order matching shirts for yourself and all your spectators as well. These shirts are also used for this years field trips. What are the Red and Gray Shirts? They are optional shirts that you can order in addition to the Fun Run shirt. They are not the Fun Run class shirts.
  • How do I raise money for this event?
    Our School wide goal is to raise $20,000.00 to help support the numerous activities listed above throughout the year. Your student will use the allotted time to make as many laps as they can around the high school track. They can walk, skip, run, dance, hop, or whatever they like to do around the track for this hour. Laps are tracked through your student's lap card each time they makes it around the track. Call your family and friends (no strangers!) and ask them to sponsor your child for each lap he/she makes around the track (example $0.25 for every lap counted). Or a one-time flat donation of any dollar amount can be given to support your child. Our goal is $40 per child. You may print out this pledge sheet to keep track of your student’s donation pledges. This sheet is for your records and does not need to be turned back in. Don’t worry, we will collect money AFTER the Fun Run.
  • Are the Fun Run shirts just for the kids in the event?
    No. We encourage anyone attending the Fun Run to support their student, the school, and the fundraiser by ordering additional shirts. Click Here. There are also red and gray shirts available to purchase that are not used in the Fun Run but still provide money for the fundraiser.
  • Who can come and watch the Fun Run?
    We encourage parents, grandparents, guardians, siblings, and any other family members to come cheer on their child at the event. Spectators can be seated in the bleachers, help count laps, or run around and have fun with your student.
  • Can I run with my child during the event?
    Absolutely! We encourage it!
  • How can I volunteer to help?
    During unpack our backpack night at the beginning of the School year your teacher had a sign up sheet for classroom volunteers. If you signed up during that time, the PTO or a head parent will reach out to you. Parent helpers for each individual class are at the discretion of your child's teacher. If you are interested in volunteering for the event as a whole, please sign up here.
  • Where do I go to attend the event?
    The event takes place at the high school track.
  • Do I need to check in with the front desk if I am not a volunteer?
    Homeroom parents can check in at the information table that is located on the high school track. All other volunteers can go straight to the high school track and find their table. You can find your class table on the course map.
  • Can my company do matching funds?
    We would love the opporunity to be considered for your company's matching funds. Please send an email to
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